Customizing AIMsi toolbars

When to use this procedure

Follow the steps below to create a customized toolbar to quickly access your favorite AIMsi functions.

Steps to complete

  1. On the Maintenance menu, point to General Maintenance and click Work Stations. The Work Station window displays.
  2. Click the Toolbar tab then click Add (the small one just below the grid).

  1. Select the program you want to access from the Program box. If you select one of the Custom options, you must also enter a Program Name, Security level, and ToolTip for the button.

  1. If desired, apply an image to the button. If you do not apply an image, AIMsi will represent the button with a number (see the first image in step 8 for an example). To use an image:
    1. Click Browse. The Open Picture window displays.
    2. Navigate to the location of your image.
    3. Highlight the image file and click OK.

  2. If desired, enter a caption for the new button. (The caption is primarily used for larger buttons on touchscreen monitors, but can also be used on a traditional monitor. See the second image in step 8 for an example.)
  3. Click Save (the smaller one just below the grid).

  1. Repeat steps 2-6 to continue adding custom toolbar buttons. You can reorder your button bars by clicking the small box to the left of the program name and dragging it to a new location.

  1. Click Save. To view your new toolbar, log out of AIMsi and back in.

Change the location of your toolbar

You can change the location of your toolbar on the AIMsi window by dragging it into a new location. This is also true for the main AIMsi toolbar.

The following two images are examples of where you might place your toolbar(s) in the AIMsi workspace.

Resizing your toolbar

If you have chosen to "float" your toolbar in the workspace, as in the second bullet above, you can resize the toolbar. Move your pointer over the edges of the toolbar frame until it becomes a double-sided arrow. Then move the pointer until you have reached the desired shape and size. A thick, gray box shows you the shape and size of the new toolbar as you move the cursor. The following two images show the double-sided arrow pointer and the resized toolbar.

To view a version of your custom toolbar with larger buttons, as in step 8 above, with your mouse pointer in the AIMsi workspace, press and hold the left mouse button for several seconds. When you release the button, a version of your custom toolbar with larger buttons displays in the space.